Sunday, February 17, 2008

Number Two

Angela is a great girl. We get along really well, and I wish she was my roommate. Next year we're going to room together, I think.

Today it is currently Kara's birthday. Becca is in the city for it. Yesterday we went to these two toy stores in St. Mark's Place and they were very cool. I bought Kara a crazy pair of glasses that say Happy Birthday To You on them. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed them.

I know it's a little bratty, but I really need my mom to put money on my card, I'm beginning to go broke again. I don't know what I'll do when that happens.

David is currently here. He has his audition for Pace tomorrow, and he's staying in Jon's room. I think he's trying to hook up with this girl named Jessica Walsch.

I shouldn't be blogging at four in the morning.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Number One

Trebuchet is the name of this font. I think it's quite appropriate to use this font because of the word association I have with the word "Trebuchet." "Trebuchet" reminds me of that show Little People Big World which is, of course, about midgets. The other day, my friends Justin, Anthony and I had been smoking some pot, and I don't remember much of what happened that night. Apparently Justin asked me if I would have sex with a midget for a million dollars, and I responded with "Hell yes! I'd have sex with ten midgets for a million dollars!" So then he asked me if I would have sex with one midget for a thousand dollars, and I again responded, "Hell yes!" Then he asked me if I would have sex with a midget just to tell people that I had sex with a midget, and in my un-sober state of mind, I said I would. The next morning I woke up and checked my email, and about seven different midgets had emailed me, most of them with pictures of their dicks! So I (not remembering any of the night before) call Justin and ask him why the fuck there are pictures of a midgets dick in my email, he explains that we posted an ad to craigslist saying that I wanted to find a midget to fuck. Oye.

That's just a little snippet of my life. I can't say that it's the most interesting life, but I get by and have my laughs .